About Me

     Hello. I am Christine A. Hafele, administrator/owner of Next Generation.

     I am a twenty six year old single mother. My son is six years old. As of May 2010 I have a BA in writing from the Cuny College of Staten Island. I began my MA in Education in the fall of 2010.
    Even before I started writing, my passion was and still is Figure Skating. I am an Instructor for the USFSA (United States Figure Skating Association). I have been skating since the age of seven and at eleven began teaching as an apprentice instructor. Given such responsibility at a young age, lead me to have a love for teaching children everything and anything they were ready and willing to learn.
     My son has a chronic illness called Reactive Airway Disease (RAD). Briefly, RAD during an episode/attack is when the brochials in the lungs overreact to a trigger or irritant, causing the airway to constrict. This may or may not lead to Asthma.
     My mother is a Vietnam Veteran. She was one of the last to go in under the womens army corp. At twenty one she was Diagnosed with Crohns Disease , and still suffers everyday with this life long illness without a cure.
        I have created this site because there is not one person in this world who knows everything. My mission is to try to write informative posts and give information on what my readers want and/or need to know. I like to say that the best parent to be, is an informed parent.

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